What Is Sustainable Tourism?
Sustainable tourism is defined as travel that takes full account of its current and future impact. The impact may include economic, social, and environmental effects. It addresses the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities.
In a region abundant with natural beauty, we recognize how necessary it is to keep it safe. We all want to keep the wild in our wilderness and preserve the Finger Lakes for future generations.
Conscious travelers seek more than just a passport stamp. The Finger Lakes beckons to you as a transformative journey transcending the ordinary.
In the Finger Lakes, we are protecting our region for generations to come with lake-friendly initiatives and farming practices, and highlighting our unique ecosystems.
The historical richness of the Finger Lakes region spans over 400 years, encompassing Native American civilizations, colonial times, and the transformative events of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Here in the Finger Lakes, we recognize the need for handicapped accessible tourist sites and attractions. We want to open up a world of possibilities for visitors of varying ability.
One aspect of economic sustainability in the Finger Lakes made possible by our long history and heritage, is the support of multigenerational family businesses.