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Join us to Celebrate Women Every Day

Apr 15th, 2021

April is here and we are reflecting on an exciting couple of months at the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Though we celebrate women every day, last month was a welcome opportunity to amplify our organization’s mission in support of Women’s History Month. We focused on virtual programming, media and communications, and strategic partnerships. Our activities included


1.            a virtual panel discussion emphasizing the themes of innovation and inclusion with three Inductees and the granddaughter of Henrietta Lacks

2.            two collaborative lectures with the Road Scholars

3.            daily social media highlights elevating women of the past, present, and future;

4.            a Women’s History Month Students’ Exposition

5.            and an inspiring evening talk with our oldest living Inductee, Ruth Colvin


On International Women’s Day, March 8th, we proudly announced our 2021 Inductees

Octavia Butler, Judy Chicago, Rebecca Halstead, Mia Hamm, Joy Harjo, Emily Howland, Katherine Johnson, Indra Nooyi, and Michelle Obama. These 9 women will join our 293 Inductees, who are recognized for their extraordinary impact across all industries and for their invaluable contributions to society. We welcome you to join us for our hybrid Induction Weekend, October 1st – 3rd, 2021. Festivities will be held virtually and in person on the grounds of our new home, the recently revitalized 1844 Seneca Knitting Mill.


The National Women’s Hall of Fame greets success today thanks to great American women, the rich history of Seneca Falls, and the founding of the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 1969, among other countless stories. Our dedication to women’s history does not begin and end in March; it is the very essence of our days, weeks, and years. We are delighted by our progress and eager to embrace the opportunities enabled by our history, mission, and region. These opportunities will become a reality through contributions from donors and friends like you. Will you consider a gift to the National Women’s Hall of Fame to honor and recognize trailblazing women? We commit to elevating the history of American women and their invaluable contributions every day. Please help us to advance our work through a donation today.


We welcome your charitable donation, which can be made by contacting <

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